Hadoop Sqoop Functions
Are you looking for the best platform which is offering the list of all the Functions of Hadoop Sqoop? or the one who is looking for Tutorial on Hadoop Sqoop Functions? then you've landed on the right platform which is packed with advanced tutorials on Hadoop Sqoop Functions of 2019. All the below mentioned Tutorials are Prepared by 15+ Experienced India's Leading Hadoop Training institute Professionals. Get the advanced Hadoop certification from the Experienced Trainers of Hadoop Training.Sqoop Import: This Command is use to transfer data from MySQL to hdfs.

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Sqoop import all: This command is used to import all tables present in the selected database.

Import only subset of data: In this, we import data with particular Parameters

Importing New Data: Used to import the new data inserted into the particular table

Incrementally importing Mutable data : Used to import data with timestamp value
sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://mysql.example.com/sqoop --username root -P --table emp --incremental lastmodified --check-column last_update_date --last-value "2019-01-29 23:52:11"

Data Validation: Used to validate data in the table.
sqoop import –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/retail_db –table customers –username root -P –validate --verbose --target-dir / Case 1: No data loss or change during transfer of Data