Subscriptions & Management groups

  • date 13th March, 2024 |
  • by Prwatech |



  1. Using Azure requires an Azure subscription.
  2. An Azure subscription is a logical unit of Azure services that links to an Azure account. It also allows you to provision resources.
  3. A subscription provides you with authenticated and authorized access to Azure products and services.
  4. Azure generates separate billing reports and invoices for each subscription
  5. Two types of subscription boundaries
    1. Billing boundary
    2. Access control boundary
  6. You can create separate subscriptions based on:
    1. Environment: development and testing, security, or isolating data for compliance reasons
    2. Organizational structures: IT, HR, Admin, and so on
    3. Billing: manage and track costs based on your needs, for example, Production, Test, and Dev.



Different types of Subscription:


  1. FREE: An email address and a credit card are required to sign up for a free trial subscription that provides $200 credit for the first 30 days and 12 months of restricted access.
  2. Pay-Per-Use: Charges monthly based on Cloud resource use.
  3. Enterprise: A single Enterprise agreement is established for large subscription purchases, including savings for new licenses and Software Assurance.
  4. Student: This membership includes $100 for 12 months and may be activated without a credit card.


Management groups


  1. Management groups let you organize multiple subscriptions as a single management entity to facilitate easier management.
  2. You can create management groups in a hierarchical structure with the top level of the hierarchy at the tenant level and containing all subscriptions in that tenant.
  3. Any conditions applied to a management group apply to all subscriptions contained in that management group object.
  4. Each management group and subscription can support only one parent.
  5. Each management group can have many children.
  6. The root management group can’t be moved or deleted, unlike other management groups.




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