Compute services

  • date 13th March, 2024 |
  • by Prwatech |

Compute services types


  1. Azure Virtual Machines
  2. Azure App Service
  3. Azure Container Instances
  4. Azure Kubernetes Service
  5. Azure Functions
  6. Azure Virtual Desktop


Azure Virtual Machine

Provides highly flexible/scalable, cost-effective, and quick computing capacity in the Azure Cloud.

  1. With Azure Virtual Machine service, you can create and use VMS in the cloud.
  2. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS)
  3. Full control over the machine just like your physical computer
    1. Operating System (OS): Linux or Windows
    2. Size of VM – CPU, RAM, disk/storage, and so on
    3. Network configurations: Virtual network, Subsets
    4. Firewall rules: security group
    5. The ability to run custom software.
    6. To use custom hosting configurations.
  4. Must maintain and patch VM
    1. Need to configure, update, and maintain the software that runs on the VEA.


Imp options to choose from while creating a VM:

  1. Type of image – OS and software
  2. Size of VM – CPU/RAB4/Storage
  3. Availability options

Use Cases:

  1. During testing and development.
  2. The application might need to handle fluctuations in demand
  3. shutting down VMS when you don’t need them
  4. During disaster recovery.
  5. Move to the cloud with VMS



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