Hadoop-Hbase using Eclipse

  • date 20th March, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |


Hadoop Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Hadoop Hbase configuration using Eclipse, Welcome to the world of advanced Tutorials on Hadoop. Are you looking forward to Creating a Hadoop Hbase using the Eclipse Platform? Or looking for some help on how to setup Hbase in eclipse? Then you’ve landed on the Right Path which providing advanced tutorial Based concepts on the Hadoop Hbase. In this tutorial, one can easily explore how to setup Hbase in eclipse with step by step explanation.

There are many possible ways to Create an Hbase setup in the eclipse Platform, just follow the below-mentioned step by step process of How to Setup Hadoop Hbase configuration using eclipse tutorials which were originally designed by India’s Leading Hadoop Training institute Professionals who also offering advanced Hadoop Course and Certification Programs.



♦ Cloudera v5

Eclipse on Cloudera

♦ HBase daemons running


Step 1: Open your eclipse and create a new java project.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Step 2: Add dependencies to the project


Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Below mentioned are the dependencies required for Hbase API :

♦ commons-configuration-1.6.jar


♦ Hadoop-common-2.4.1.jar


♦ HBase-common-0.98.3-hadoop2.jar


♦ htrace-core-2.04.jar


♦ zookeeper-3.4.5.jar

Now you can perform various HBase functions using eclipse

♦ Create: This method is used to create a table in Hbase with column family

Hbase configuration using Eclipse Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Insert Value: Using this we can insert new values in the existing table in Hbase.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


List: This method shows the list of all table in Hbase


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Disable: This method is used to disable a table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Enable: This method is used to enable the disabled table from Hbase


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Drop: This method is used to drop the table from Hbase


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Alter – Add: This method is used to add a column family to a table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Alter-Delete: This method is to delete a column family from a table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Shutdown: This method is to shutdown Hbase


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Exists: This method is to verify the existence of a particular table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Update: This method is to update the value of a particular column in the row.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Retrieve: This method is to retrieve particular sets of data from a table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


Delete: This method is to delete particular sets of data from a table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse


♦ Scan: This method is to scan and show all the values from the table.


Hbase configuration using Eclipse  Hbase configuration using Eclipse

Hbase configuration using Eclipse




Quick Support

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