How to Run Hive Script

How to Run Hive Script from Command Line

How to run the hive script, Confused how to run hive script from command line? Need some advice on how to run a hive query in a shell script? Then we Prwatech Leading Hadoop Training institute in Bangalore here for you to assist. Most of the Top MNC companies are looking for professionals who are carrying decent Skillset on Big Data analytics, get the Advanced Big Data Certification by choosing the Best Big Data Training institute who can help to learn the technology like a pro. Follow the below tutorial for How to run hive script from command line and learn from the experts.

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How to run Hive scripts

How to run the hive script :


Hive Scripting
Similar to any other scripting language, Hive scripts are used to execute a set of Hive commands collectively. Hive scripting helps us to reduce the time and effort invested in writing and executing the individual commands manually. Hive scripting is supported in Hive 0.10.0 or higher versions of Hive. To write and execute a Hive script.


Steps to Execute Hive Script
Step 1:create input file as input.txt.
Step 2:writing a hive script file as sample.sql.
Step3:sample.sql I stored manual commands


Hive script included all steps
1.create table student.
2.describe the student table.
3.load data into student table using input.txt
4.display all information about student table
Select * from student;

Create Input File

how to run a script file in hive

create Hive script file

how to run hive script from command line

Execute a script file in hive

how to run hive script
Category: HIVE