
  • date 24th February, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |

♦ Prerequisites :

  1. Cloudera v4 (or above)
  2. Oozie-example.tar.gz

♦ Open Cloudera terminal and check the oozie status.

♦ Check Oozie Admin Mode

♦ Go to the Oozie examples.jar file and copy that file any where else.

♦ Untar this file

♦ In exapmle go to the file which you where you want to schedule the job. Like Mapreduce,Pig,Hive etc.

♦ Here I am Scheduling Hive Job so I will go to hive and configure workflow.xml, script.q and job.properties file according to our requirement.

♦ First I Modify script.q file and write the hive query.

♦ Now in workflow.xml I give script.q ,input data path and output dir.

♦ In last I configure job.properties

♦ Now Put that example file in hdfs

♦ Now run the job.properties from local machine

♦ Go to web UI and check the running jobs


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