Import and export data with Sqoop in HDFS

  • date 24th February, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |

Import and Export Data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import and export data with Sqoop in HDFS, Welcome to the world of advanced Tutorials on Hadoop technology. Are you looking forward to How to Import Data from MySQL to HDFS using sqoop?


There are many possible ways to Import and export data with Sqoop in HDFS, just follow the below-mentioned step by step process of How to import and export data from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop tutorials which was originally designed by India’s Leading Hadoop Training institute Professionals who also offering advanced Hadoop Course and Certification Programs.


Import data from MySQL to HDFS using Sqoop


Install mysql on your machine,open terminal after open the terminal it asking for password enter password as root.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Create database by using below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Use your created database use below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Create table .


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Insert values into created table.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


If you want to see the inserted data use below query.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Go to below link and download mysql-connector-java-5.1.26-bin.jar, link and put on cloudera desktop .


Copy mysql connector jar into sqoop using below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Password is cloudera


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


You can check weather jar file is copied sqoop/lib or not using below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


To check the IP address of your machine open machine command prompt and type below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


In MySQL command prompt grant all privileges to IP address of VMnet1 by using below command.


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data from mysql to sqoop


Using below syntax : Sqoop/bin$ sqoop import –connect jdbc:mysql:ipaddress/databasename

–table <tablename> –username <username of mysql> –P –target-dir /dirname -m 1

Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


EnterPassword: root


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


To check output : Open browser and go to /usr/sqoopOut/part-m-00000


Import data with Sqoop in HDFS


Export Data from HDFS to MySQL using Sqoop


Create table in mysql


Export data with Sqoop in HDFS


Use below command for export data from hdfs to mysql


Syntax: Sqoop/bin$ sqoop export –connect jdbc://ipaddress/databasename –username username –password password –table tablename –export-dir /dirname


Export data with Sqoop in HDFS


To check data where data exported use below query


Export data with Sqoop in HDFS

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