Linux Basic Commands:
1. pwd command
Finds the Path of current working directory

2. cd command
To navigate the files in linux

3. ls command
To view the contents of all directory

4. cat command
Lists the content of the files.

5. cp command
Used to copy the files from one directory to another directory

6. mv command
It is used to move the files.

7. mkdir command
To create a directory

8. rmdir command
To remove or delete a directory

9. rm command
To delete a directory — use rm -r

10. find command
To find or locate a file.

11. grep command
To search and see through all the text files.

12. sudo command
Enables to perform the task which requires root permission

13. df command
To see the report of disk usage system. df -m.

14. tar command
To untar a files whch was in zip format.

15. chmod command
chmod is used to change the read, write, and permissions of files

16. wget command
To install any linux files through a http address.

17. echo command
To move data in the text file. echo Hello, Prwatech >> name.txt

18. sudo apt-get update
Helps to keep the files and packages up to date.

19. sudo apt-get upgrade
Helps to upgrade a package to a latest upgraded changes

20. sudo apt-get install
It is used to install a specific file or package in Linux

21. sudo apt-get remove
To uninstall or remove a file or a package.

22. dir
used to display the list of all directories or folder.

23. clear
To clear the screen of Terminal.

24. whereis
Helps to locate or find a specific file. command
Display summary information of a command.

26. command –help
help Display short summary information

27. info
Display detailed manual of a command.

28. locate pattern
Search and print files and folders

List block devices.

30. df -H
Report file system disk space usage.