Python Functions

  • date 17th July, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |

Python Functions Tutorial


Python Functions Tutorial, in this tutorial, we will learn Introduction to Function in Python and Type of Functions in Python. Here, You will also learn how to create and call a function in Python which is helpful for any Python developers. Are you looking for the Python functions tutorial with examples or Are you dreaming to become to certified Pro Python Developer, then stop just dreaming, get your Python certification course from India’s Leading Python training institute.


Do you want to know about how to create and call a function and types of functions in python, then just follow the below mentioned Python functions tutorial for Beginners from Prwatech and take advanced Python training like a Pro from today itself under 10+ years of hands-on experienced Professionals.


Introduction to Function in Python


A function is a block of code that only runs when it is called. You can pass inputs that are known as parameters, into a function. A function gives results by returning data or value. The function is created for the reusability of the same code.


Type of Functions in Python


We can find three kinds of functions in python:


Built-in Functions in Python


The First type is built-in functions, such as print() to print the expected value or result, min() to get the minimum value, bool()to get boolean value, etc.


User-Defined Functions in Python


The second type is User Defined Functions( UDF), which are functions created by users.


Anonymous functions in Python


The third type is ‘Anonymous functions’, which are also known as lambda functions. They are not declared with the standard keyword‘def’.


How to create a function in Python


We have to use ‘def’ to declare a function followed by a function’s name. Then we have to add parameters to the function within the parentheses of the function. If we don’t write the return statement, the function will return ‘None’.


Ex) deftest():




Calling a Function


To call a function, we have to use the function name followed by round brackets (parenthesis):



Above function be called a test()

Output: Python


Python Function Arguments


Arguments are given to any function call, while the function mentions the arguments by their parameter names. There are four types of arguments for UDFs.

Default arguments

Required arguments

Keyword arguments

Variable number of arguments


Default argument


During the function call these arguments to take a default value if no argument is passed. We can allocate this default value with the assignment operator denoted by ‘=’.

Ex) def multi(x,y = 5):

return x * y

# Callingmulti() with only single parameter




# Call multi() with both x and y parameters

multi(x=1, y=3)




Required Arguments


During function call, these arguments need to be passed with the right order exactly, as shown in the following example:

Ex) def multi(x,y):

return x * y

# Calling function Output





Keyword Arguments


If we want to check whether all parameters are  sequentially or with the right order we use keyword argument. To identify the arguments by parameter names we use these keywords arguments.

Ex) # Defining function

def multi(x,y):

return x * y

# Calling function with parameters




# Calling the same function with keyword arguments

plus(x=5, y=10)




Variable Number of Arguments:


We can use * args in that case. Let’s see one example.

Ex)  # Defining function and try to give more than 2 arguments.


for in args:


# Displaying the output

test(‘Variable’,’Number’,’type’,’ argument’)


The variable Number type argument


Anonymous Functions in Python


It can take any number of arguments, but can only have one expression.



lambda arguments: expression

The expression is perform and the result is retain:

Ex) By using the single variable we can use a lambda function

x = lambda b : b + 30




Ex)  Using more than one variable we can use lambda function as:

avg = lambda x,y :(x+y)/2





Why use Lambda Functions?


The benefit of lambda is, we can use it as an anonymous function inside another function.

Ex) deffunc1(a):
return lambda b: b * a


We hope you understand Python functions tutorial with examples, python function arguments and Lambda Function in Python Programming concepts. Get success in your career as a Python developer by being a part of the Prwatech, India’s leading Python training institute in Bangalore.








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