Scala commands for Spark

  • date 4th April, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |

Scala commands for Spark

  the Scala commands for Spark, welcome to the world of Apache Spark Basic Scala Commands. Are you the one who is looking forward to knowing the scala commands for spark List which are useful for Spark developers? Or the one who is very keen to explore the list of all the basic scala commands in Apache Spark with examples that are available? Then you’ve landed on the Right path which provides the standard and Apache Spark Basic scala Commands. If you are the one who is keen to learn the technology then learn the advanced certification course from the best Apache Spark training institute who can help guide you about the course from the 0 Level to Advanced level. So don’t just dream to become the certified Pro Developer achieve it by choosing the best World classes Apache Spark training institute in Bangalore which consists of World-class Trainers. We, Prwatech listed some of the top Apache Spark basic Scala Commands which Every Spark Developer should know about. So follow the Below Mentioned scala commands for spark and Learn the Advanced Apache Spark course from the best Spark Trainer like a Pro.

Apache Spark Basic Scala Commands

Expressions are computable statements

scala> 12 * 10 res0: Int = 120 Scala commands for Spark You can output results of expressions using println Or (what You want to print you can print using println) scala print Ex:-println(“Hello Prwatech”) scala> println("Hello," + "Prwatech") scala print in


You can name the results of expressions with the value keyword. Here such as  ‘x’ is value “Referencing a value doesn’t re-compute it” values


Variables are like values, except you can re-assign them. You can define a variable with the var keyword. varx=6 + 4 x=10 Variable


You can combine expressions by surrounding them with {}. We call this a block. The result of the last expression in the block is the result of the overall block too. spark tutorial apache spark


Functions are expressions that take parameters. You can define an anonymous function (i.e. no name) that returns a given integer plus two On the left of =,> is a list of parameters. On the right is an expression involving the parameters. You can also name functions. function of command spark tutorial Functions may take multiple parameters. spark sql Or it can take no parameters. spark dataframe


The Methods look and behave very similar to functions, but there are a few key differences between them Methods are defined with the def keyword. Methods are defined with the def keyword Notice how the return type is declared after the parameter list and a colon: Int. Methods can take multiple parameter lists. Methods can take multiple parameter lists


You can define classes with the class keyword followed by its name and constructor parameters. class prwatech


Objects are single instances of their own definitions. You can think of them as singletons of their own classes. You can define objects with the object keyword. You can define objects with the object keyword.


Scala classes do not have a static keyword, so they have Singleton Object. The constructor of the singleton object is executed when the object is first used. An object has all the features of the class. The parameters cannot be provided to the constructor. They can be imported from anywhere in the program. Singleton Objects are used in the following cases: When a singleton instance is required for co-ordinating a service. #When a single immutable instance could be shared for efficiency purposes. When an immutable instance is required for utility functions or constants. utility functions or constants.

 If else Condition

Command:-var a  = 8 val s = if ( a>1 &&a<9)1else 0 Command:-var a  = 9 val s = if ( a>1 && a<9)1else 0  commands var a  

While Loop

Command:-var args = “PRWATECH”                             var i = 0   while (i<args.length)  { println(args(i)) i +=1                            }  Command:-var args  

Foreach Loop

Command:-var args = “SCALA”                                  args.foreach(println) Command:-var args scala

For Loop

Command:-for(i<1 to 5) print(i) Command:- for(i<11 to 25) print(i) commands for scala

Nested for loop

Command:-for (i<-1 to 5; j =i) println(20*i+j) Scala commands

How to write a function

First define the function and then call it with the value Command:-def area(radius:Int):Double= {7.20*radius*radius} Command:-def area

Argument to function

Command:-def concatstr(arg1:String,arg2:String = “Institute”,arg3:String = “Prwatech”) = println(arg1 + arg2 +arg3)             -  concatstr(“BigData”)             - concatstr(“BigData”, arg3=”spark”)             - concatstr(“BigData”)  Command:-def concatstr  

Scala Procedure

Scala has a special function that doesn’t return any value. If there is a scala function without a preceding “=” symbol, then  the return type of the function is unit       Such a function is called procedures.       Procedures don’t return any value in scala Commands:-def rect_area(length:Float, breadth:Float) {val area = length*breadth; println(area)} Scala Procedure


Collection Scala has a rich library of collection, they are:- Array ArrayBuffers Maps Tuples Lists  


It is the collection of elements or records of same type Command:-var i = Array(“Hello”, “Prwatech”)  print(i(0))  print(i(1))  scala var i

Array Buffers

Commands for initializing ArrayBuffers: import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer      

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