Hadoop – 1.x Installation

  • date 12th March, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |


Hardware requirements:

Local machine

RAM 8 GB or above

software requirements:

VMware Workstation: https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

Ubuntu 10.x or above:  https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

Programming language: Linux

Learn Linux: https://prwatech.in/blog/linux/linux-architecture/

1.Open the ubuntu vm in VMware Workstation

2. Power on the virtual machine

3.Open the Terminal

4.Update the repository

command: sudo apt-get update

password is password

5.Install java

Command: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk

6.check the java version whether it is installed or not

7.Install openssh-server

Command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Type 'y' if asked and password is the password

8. Download and extract hadoop: http://prwatech.in/online-softwares/

9. Now go to the directory where the hadoop is downloaded and extract the hadoop folder in the terminal by using command : tar -xvf hadoop- 1.2.0.tar.gz

10. Get into hadoop-1.2.0 directory

11. Go to conf directory and type ls

12. Edit core-site.xml

Command: sudo gedit core-site.xml

Now add the below lines:





13. Edit mapred-site.xml

Command: sudo gedit mapred-site.xml

Add the below lines:





14. Edit hdfs-site.xml

Command: sudo gedit hdfs-site.xml

Add the below lines:









15. Add java home path in hadoop-env.sh  file

Command:  gedit hadoop-env.sh

Uncomment the below shown export and add the below the path to your JAVA_HOME:

16. Create a ssh key

Command: ssh-keygen -t  rsa

17. Moving the key to authorized key

Command: cat $HOME /.ssh /id_rsa.pub>>$HOME/ .ssh/ authorized_keys

18. Copy the key to other hosts

Command: ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@hostname

19. Get into your bin directory.

20. Format the name node

Command: sh hadoop namenode –format

21. Start the nodes

Command: sh start-all.sh

22. To check hadoop started correctly type 'jps' command

Command: jps

Note- if you get the above output by typing jps command then you have successfully installed hadoop 1.2.0

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