Scala – Literals

  • date 29th December, 2020 |
  • by Prwatech |

Scala Literals with Examples

Scala literals are representations of constant values in code that have a specific syntax and type associated with them. Scala supports a variety of literals for different types of data, providing flexibility and expressiveness in representing values.


  1. Numeric Literals: Scala supports integer literals (Int, Long, Short, Byte), floating-point literals (Float, Double), and hexadecimal literals (0x prefix).

  2. String Literals: Scala string literals can be enclosed in double quotes ("Hello, Scala!") or triple quotes ("""Multiline string"""), supporting escape sequences and interpolation.

  3. Boolean Literals: Scala has true and false literals representing boolean values.

  4. Symbol Literals: Scala symbols are literals prefix with a single quote ('symbolName), representing unique identifiers.

  5. Character Literals: Scala character literals are enclosed in single quotes ('a', '\n'), supporting escape sequences.

  6. Multiline String Literals: Scala supports multiline string literals using triple quotes ("""..."""), preserving line breaks and supporting escape sequences.

  7. Raw String Literals: Scala raw string literals (raw"...") treat backslashes literally, useful for regular expressions and file paths.

The literals are a series of symbols utilize for describing a constant value in the code. 

                                               Types of Literals

Integer Literals: The Integer literals are generally of type Int or of type Long when a suffix L or l is add at the end of the Integers.

Run the following example for Integer Literals:


Floating Point Literals : This type of literals are of type Double as well as type Float .

Run the following example for Floating Point Literals:



Character Literals : They are either uni-code character which are printable or are represent by escape sequences.

Run the following example for Character Literals:


String literals : The String literals are series of characters, which are available in double quotes.

Run the following example for String Literals:



Multi-Line String Literals : The multi-line string literals are also series of characters but it has multiple lines.

Run the following example for Multi-Line String Literals :


Scala Literals with Examples

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