Embrace the hottest career choice of this decade – Become a data scientist

Data science as career is quickly emerging as one of the hottest one in this decade. This involves organizing huge data amounts of both unstructured and the structured variety. It requires formidable skills in,

  • Programming
  • Math
  • Statistics
  • Analytics


Data science training in bangalore

Data science training in bangalore

Analytic power involves skepticism regarding existing assumption, contextual understanding, and industry knowledge. This way it is possible to uncover the hidden solutions for various business challenges. Those interested in making a career in big data science have three broad education options namely,

  • Graduate/Degree Certificate: networking, internship and academic qualification.
  • Learning self-guided courses, MOOCs: short, targeted, cheap/free, here you progress based upon personal convenience.
  • Quantitative advanced degree will aid you in the process of gathering skills related to the subject. The required skills include.
  • Business Skills: effective communication technique, analytical problem solving, industry knowledge and an inherent curiosity all are important.
  • Technical Skills: deep knowledge in statistics, math, machine learning tools and techniques, software engineering, data munging, cleaning, data mining, and visualization. You also require skills related to Amazon S3 or other cloud tools. Knowledge of unstructured data, SQL databases, querying database languages, Hive & Pig, Hadoop and other platforms for Big Data is crucial.

You can enjoy an unprecedented salary by making a successful career in data science. These days besides the big tech firms, the non-tech giants like Walmart and Neiman Marcus are also hiring data scientists. No wonder, this is today one of the most happening subjects to pursue. You can be absorbed in different job types as, Data Analyst You may need to find data from MySQL databases, produce database visualization, or become master of pivot Excel tables. Analyze results A/B tests and start testing new skill sets or tryout brand-new things.

Data-driven product production Where data is the product, data analysis is going to be a big thing. Data scientist with physics, math and statistics background will feel at home in such scenarios.

Data infrastructure setup

In this scenario, big data scientist will need to analyze traffic related to the company. For working in such setting, background in software engineering is a bonus. You can contribute to production code or provide analysis and insights.

Fast learners tend to be successful in this field. Skills in generic programming will take your further than specialized knowledge in any particular language. Get ahead of experts by learning the new and popular programs fast.