Hadoop – 2.x Installation

  • date 11th March, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |


Hardware requirements:

Local Machine

RAM- 8 GB or above

Software requirements:

1.VMware Workstation , Version :16 pro

Download the software from given link :-  https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

2.Ubuntu , Version:18.04

Download the software from given link :  https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

Programming languages: Linux

Learn Linux :  https://prwatech.in/blog/linux/linux-architecture/

1.Update the repository

2. Once the update is complete go for java installation

3. After java has been installed, check whether java is installed on your system or not from the below command:

4. Install openssh-server

command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server

5. Download Hadoop 2.7.0.tar.gz

Command: wget  https://archive.apache.org/dist/hadoop/core/hadoop- 2.7.0/hadoop-2.7.0.tar.gz

6. After downloading untar the Hadoop

command: tar -xvf hadoop-2.7.0.tar.gz

7. Get into Hadoop directory and type ls

8. Go to hadoop folder

9. Now edit core-site.xml

command: sudo gedit core-site.xml

Enter the following codes under the configuration

10. Edit hdfs-site.xml

command: sudo nano hdfs-site.xml

11. Edit mapred-site.xml

command: sudo nano mapred-site.xml

12. Edit yarn-site.xml

command: sudo nano yarn-site.xml

13. Edit Hadoop-env.sh

command: sudo nano hadoop-env.sh

set the “java path in export JAVA_HOME as shown below”

14. Set JAVA and HADOOP HOME in the .bashrc file

enter the following lines at the bottom of the file

15. Create an ssh key

Command: ssh-keygen -t rsa

press ‘enter’ and ‘y ‘

16. Moving the key to authorized key

Command : cat $HOME /.ssh /id_rsa.pub >> $HOME/ .ssh/ authorized_keys

17. Copy the key to other host

Command :  ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@ubuntu

18. Now format the name node

Go to your hadoop-2.7.0 directory  and write the following code

command: bin/hadoop namenode -format

Press ‘Enter’ and enter  ‘yes’ if asked

19. Start all daemons

Press ‘Enter’ and enter ‘yes’ if  required

20. Check your daemons

command: jps

Note- If you get the above output after typing ‘jps’ then you have successfully installed 2.7.0


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