Map with Pie Chart

  • date 13th August, 2023 |
  • by Prwatech |

Map with Pie Chart

 This approach enhances the effectiveness of data visualization in exploring spatial data and supporting data-driven decision-making processes.

Furthermore, the combination of maps with pie charts offers a holistic view of the data, allowing users to identify correlations between spatial patterns and categorical distributions. This integrated visualization approach is particularly useful in various fields such as marketing, retail, and demographics analysis, where understanding both geographic and categorical aspects of the data is crucial for decision-making.

In Power BI, users can enhance map with pie chart visualizations by customizing colors, labels, and tooltips to improve readability and clarity. They can also utilize interactive features such as drill-downs and filters to enable deeper exploration of the data and facilitate dynamic analysis.

Overall, incorporating pie charts into map visualizations in Power BI provides a comprehensive and intuitive way to analyze spatial data and categorical distributions simultaneously, empowering users to uncover meaningful insights and make informed decisions based on both geographic and categorical factors.

Power BI Desktop

Creating Map in Power BI Desktop using the loaded dataset.    To create a Map in Power BI Desktop you need a Geographical data type like Country, State, City etc…, In this Dataset there is already the Geographical data type values are available, check your Dataset then create the Map. Click on the “Map” icon. This will add an empty Map visual to the report canvas.

In the “Visualizations” pane on the right side, locate the dataset fields you want to use for the column chart. Select the Geographical data type like Country, State, City etc…, into the “Location” section of the “Visualizations” pane.

To increase or decrease the Bubble Size inside the map click on Format icon and then click on Bubble then adjust the size appropriately.

To create a Map with Pie Chart, you can select the appropriate field into the “Legend” section of the “Visualizations” pane.

Select the desired field into the “Bubble Size” section of the “Visualizations” pane.



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