Scala – Anonymous Functions

  • date 26th April, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |

Anonymous Functions in Scala


In Scala, An anonymous function is called a function literal. A function which doesn’t contain a name is called an anonymous function. An anonymous function gives a simple function definition. It is use when we need to make an inline function.

Anonymous functions, also known as function literals or lambda expressions, are a powerful feature of functional programming in Scala. An anonymous function is a concise way to define a function without explicitly specifying a name or return type, making it ideal for short-lived or one-off operations.

In Scala, anonymous functions are defin using the => syntax, which separates the function parameters from the function body. For example, (x: Int) => x * x defines an anonymous function that takes an integer x as input and returns its square.

Anonymous functions can assign to variables, pass as arguments to higher-order functions, or used inline within method calls. They promote code reuse, abstraction, and functional composition by allowing developers to encapsulate behavior in a compact and readable form.

use case 1: Anonymous Function without parameters

    // Scala program to illustrate the anonymous method
    object prwatech{
    def main(args: Array[String])

    // Creating anonymous functions without parameter 
    var myfun1 = () => {"Welcome to Prwatech !"}

    // A function which contain anonymous function as a parameter
    def myfunction(fun:(String, String)=> String) = 
        fun("BigData", " hadoop")

    // Explicit type declaration of anonymous function in another      
    val f1 = myfunction((str1: String,
                str2: String) => str1 + str2)

    // Shorthand declaration using wildcard
    val f2 = myfunction(_ + _)


Welcome to Prwatech !
BigData hadoop
BigData hadoop

use case 2: Anonymous function with parameter

    // Scala program to illustrate the anonymous method
    object prwatech
    def main(args: Array[String])
    // Creating anonymous functions with multiple parameters 
    // anonymous functions to variables 
    var myfunction1 = (str1:String, str2:String) => str1 + str2

    // An anonymous function is created 
    var myfunction2 = (_:String) + (_:String)

    // Here, the variable invoke like a function call
    println(myfunction1("Big Data", " Prwatech"))
    println(myfunction2("Data Science", " Prwatech"))


Big Data Prwatech
Data Science Prwatech

use case 3:

     // Scala program to illustrate the anonymous method
     object prwatech
     def main(args: Array[String])
    // Creating anonymous functions
    // with multiple parameters Assign
    var myfunction1 = (str1:String, str2:String) => str1 + str2

    // An anonymous function is created  
    var myfunction2 = (_:String) + (_:String)

    // one more anonymous function is created 
    var myfunction3 = (_:String) + (_:String)

    // Here, the variable invoke like a function call
    println(myfunction1("Big Data", " Prwatech"))
    println(myfunction2("Data Science", " Prwatech"))
    println(myfunction3("Tableau", " Prwatech"))


Big Data Prwatech
Data Science Prwatech
Tableau Prwatech


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