Scala – Thread

  • date 8th October, 2020 |
  • by Prwatech |

Things to know about Multithreading in Scala


A Thread is a lightweight sub-measure possessing less memory. To make it, we can either expand the Thread class or the Runnable interface. We can utilize the run() method at that point. A thread holds less memory than an entire process.

Multithreading in Scala revolves around concurrency and parallelism, enabling efficient utilization of modern hardware with multiple cores. Here are key aspects to understand about multithreading in Scala:

  1. Akka Framework: Scala developers often use Akka, a powerful toolkit for building concurrent and distributed applications. Akka provides actors as a model for managing concurrency, allowing developers to handle concurrent tasks with a high level of abstraction.

  2. Scala Futures: Scala Futures facilitate asynchronous programming by representing a value that may be available at some point in the future. Futures enable non-blocking operations and are commonly used to manage concurrent tasks and parallelize computations.

  3. Thread Safety: Scala’s immutability-by-default approach promotes thread safety, making it easier to reason about concurrent code and reducing the risk of data races and synchronization issues.

  4. Concurrency Constructs: Scala provides concurrency constructs such as synchronized blocks and volatile variables for managing shared mutable state. Additionally, Scala’s ConcurrentHashMap and ConcurrentLinkedQueue offer thread-safe data structures for concurrent applications.

  5. Parallel Collections: Scala’s parallel collections library (scala.collection.parallel) provides parallel versions of common data structures like ParSeq and ParArray, enabling parallel processing of collection operations across multiple threads.

  6. Java Interoperability: Scala seamlessly interoperates with Java’s concurrency utilities like java.util.concurrent, allowing developers to leverage Java’s threading and synchronization features in Scala applications.

Use case 1:

Scala thread example by extending Thread Class

class thread extends Thread {
  override def run(){  
println("Thread is running...");  
object MainObject{  
def main(args:Array[String]){  
var t = new thread()  
Thread is running...

Use case 2:

Scala Thread Example by Extending Runnable Interface

class thread extends Runnable {
  override def run(){  
println("Thread is running...")  
object MainObject{  
def main(args:Array[String]){  
var e = new thread()  
var t = new Thread(e)  
Thread is running...

Things to know about Multithreading in Scala


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