Tableau Text Table Tutorial
Tableau Text Table Tutorial, in this Tutorial one, you can learn about tableau text table. Are you the one who is looking for the best platform which provides information about how to create text table in tableau? Or the one who is looking forward to taking the advanced Certification Course from India’s Leading Tableau Training Institute? Then you’ve landed on the Right Path.
The Below mentioned Tutorial will help to Understand the detailed information about tableau text table. So just follow all the tutorials of India’s leading Best Tableau Training institute in Bangalore and Be a Pro Tableau Developer.
Tableau Text Table
Let’s explore the Text Tables Chart that can be created on Tableau. Here we are using Sample – EU Superstore data which is provided by Tableau by default. Text Tables is also known as pivot tables or cross tabs is extensively used in any analysis. Its characteristic features are as follows: Simple – Text Tables Chart very simply represents the data in a tubular form which can further be customised (which is discussed below). Comprehension - Text Tables Chart is very easy to comprehend. One can draw insights of the data just by looking at the chart. Precision – Text Tables Chart precisely represents the data pictorially. Even a lay man who does not have much of prior knowledge with regard to analytics can understand the data and draw meaningful insights from it. It very well comes in handy while taking business decisions.How to Create Text Table in Tableau?
Select a variable from Dimensions section (here we have selected ‘Category’ variable’) and another variable from Measures section (we have selected ‘Sales’ here) simultaneously and then from ‘Show Me’ section, select ‘Text Tables’ chart. The arrows in the diagram below describe the same.

Again, click on the Square from Marks section to add colours in the background. The arrow in the given figure explains this.