Sqoop – Installation in Ubuntu

  • date 23rd March, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |

Apache Sqoop Installation Tutorial



Hardware requirements:

Local machine

ram 8 gb or above

Software requirements:

VMware Workstation:, Version :16 pro

Download the software from given link :- https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

Ubuntu , Version: 18.04

Download the software from given link :  https://prwatech.in/blog/software-installation/vmware-workstation-installation/

Programming languages: Linux

Learn Linux :  https://prwatech.in/blog/linux/linux-architecture/

1.Go to the below link and download sqoop-1.4.7.bin_hadoop-6.0.tar.gz


2.Open the terminal and go to the folder directory where sqoop has been downloaded and extract the file using the following command:

tar  -xvf sqoop-1.4.7.bin_hadoop-2.6.0.tar.gz

3.Edit the .bashrc file

nano ~/.bashrc

Note: you can edit the sqoop file name so that it will be easy , in my case i have renamed it to “sqoop-1.4.7” from “sqoop-1.4.7.bin_hadoop-2.6.0”

4. Enter the following commands below in bashrc file

5.Now  save the bashrc file by source ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

6.Use this command to rename sqoop-env-template.sh to sqoop-env.sh

mv sqoop-env-template.sh sqoop-env.sh

7.Edit the sqoop-env.sh

nano sqoop-env.sh

Add the following lines as follows

8. Now download the mysql  connector from the following link in terminal

 wget  http://ftp.ntu.edu.tw/MySQL/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-8.0.22.tar.gz

9.Go to the downloaded file directory and untar by running the following command

tar -xvf mysql-connector-java-8.0.22.tar.

 10. Move mysql connector to sqoop/lib

mv mysql-connector-java-8.0.22/mysql-connector-java-8.0.22.jar /home/user/Downloads/sqoop-1.4.7/lib

11.Check the version whether it is installed

12.Type 'sqoop help' to know the sqoop commands

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