Creating Repositories and Files in GitHub.

  • date 16th March, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |

Creating and managing repositories


Creating and managing repositories is a fundamental aspect of version control and collaborative software development, allowing individuals and teams to organize, store, and track changes to their codebase effectively. Whether using GitLab, GitHub, or other version control platforms, the process typically involves several key steps.

Firstly, to create a new repository, users navigate to the repository section of their version control platform and select the option to create a new repository. They provide essential details such as the repository name, description, and visibility settings (public or private).

Once the repository is created, users can start adding files, directories, and code to the repository. This can be done by initializing a local repository on their computer, adding files, committing changes, and pushing those changes to the remote repository.



Hardware : Local Machine

GitHub Account

Open the GitHub page.

#Click on profile in right corner. Click on Your repositories.

Click New.

Give the Repository name. Choose public or private. Then press Create Repository.

The Repository will be created.

To create a new file click on add file > Create new file.

Give the name for the file and add the content.

After Completing the file, click Commit new file.

The file will be commit and it will be show in the repository.


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