Administering GKE clusters

  • date 30th May, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |

Managing clusters | Google Kubernetes Engine


Configuring a maintenance window

Using Console.

Open menu > Kubernetes > Clusters

Open the Clusters.

In Automation Section, Click on pencil icon of Maintenance Window.

Tick on Enable Maintenance Window. Choose the time and days for maintenance. Click Save Changes.

If you want to disable a previously created maintenance window, Untick the Enable Maintenance Window.

Using Cloud Shell

$          gcloud container clusters update <Cluster name> --maintenance-window-start 2021-05-09T06:05:00-12:00 --maintenance-window-end 2021-05-14T00:00:00-8:00 --maintenance-window-recurrence FREQ=WEEKLY --zone us-central1

This code will create a maintenance window in cluster

Removing Maintenence Window

gcloud container clusters update gke-cluster-1 --clear-maintenance-window

Cluster autoscaler

GKE's cluster autoscaler automatically resizes the number of nodes in a given node pool, based on the demands of your workloads. You don't need to manually add or remove nodes or over-provision your node pools. Instead, you specify a minimum and maximum size for the node pool, and the rest is automatic.

In the Cluster, Click on Pencil icon of Autoscaling profile.

Choose Optimize utilization for cluster and click Save Changes

The following command enables optimize-utilization autoscaling profile in an existing cluster

$          gcloud beta container clusters update gke-cluster-1 --autoscaling-profile optimize-utilization

Configuring Cloud Operations for GKE

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) includes integration with Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging. This integration lets you monitor your running GKE clusters, manage your system and debug logs, and analyze your system's performance using advanced profiling and tracing capabilities.

To enable Cloud Operations for GKE

$          gcloud container clusters update gke-cluster-1 --zone=us-central1 --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes

To enable Legacy Logging and Monitoring

$          gcloud container clusters update gke-cluster-1 --zone=us-central1  --logging-service --monitoring-service

To remove Cloud Operations for GKE or Legacy Logging and Monitoring,

$          gcloud container clusters update gke-cluster-1 --zone=us-central1 --no-enable-stackdriver-kubernetes

Enabling auto-repair for an existing node pool

$          gcloud container node-pools update default-pool --cluster gke-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-c --enable-autorepair

Disable auto-repair for an existing node pool

$          gcloud container node-pools update default-pool --cluster gke-cluster-1 --zone us-central1-c --no-enable-autorepair

Sometimes this error may arise. To rectify that, In Cluster basics, Click on pencil icon of Release channel.

Change Release channel to static version. And click Save Changes. Then try again.

Using Cloud Console.

In cluster, Click on Nodes.

Open the node pool which you created.

Click on Edit.

Tick the Enable Auto Repair and Click Save.


Managing clusters | Google Kubernetes Engine

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