Hadoop Singlenode Using Hadoop 2.x

  • date 14th February, 2019 |
  • by Prwatech |


Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


How to Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x, in this  Tutorial one can learn how to install Hadoop with Single Node Using  Hadoop 2.X. We Prwatech the Pioneers of Hadoop Training Sharing information about Hadoop to Those Tech Enthusiasts who wanted to explore the technology and who wanted to Become the Certified Big Data  Developer. Are you the one who is looking for the best platform which provides information about what is the installation process of Hadoop-Single Node clustering Using Hadoop 2.x? Or the one who is looking forward to taking the advanced Certification Course from India’s Leading Big Data  Training institute? Then you’ve landed on the Right Path.

Get Clear Understand of the Installation process of Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x with India’s Leading Hadoop Training institute. The Below mentioned Tutorial will help to Understand the detailed information about Install Hadoop-Single node Using Hadoop 2.x, so Just Follow All the Tutorials of India’s Leading Best Big Data Training Institute and Be a Pro Hadoop Developer.

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x
Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


1.Hadoop 2.7.0
3.Ubuntu 12.0 or above

Process of Setting up a Single Node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Update the repository

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Once the update is complete go for java installation

Command : 

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

♦ After java has been installed. To check whether java is installed on your system or Not give the below command:

Command: java –version


Install openssh-server

Command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Download Hadoop 2.7.0.tar.gz

Command: wget  https://archive.apache.org/dist/hadoop/core/hadoop-2.7.0/hadoop-2.7.0.tar.gz

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


After downloading untar the Hadoop

Command: tar -xvf hadoop-2.7.0.tar.gz

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Get into Hadoop directory

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Go to Hadoop and configure the fill

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Edit core-site.xml

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Edit hdfs-site.xml

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Edit mapred-site.xml

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Edit yarn-site.xml

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster


Edit Hadoop-env.sh

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Set JAVA and HADOOP HOME in the .bashrc file

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Create an ssh key:

Command: ssh-keygen -t rsa

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x

Install Hadoop Single node Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Moving the key to authorized key

Command:cat $HOME /.ssh /id_rsa.pub>>$HOME/ .ssh/ authorized_keys


Copy the key to other host

Command: ssh-copy-id -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@hostname


Now format the name node

Cluster Using Hadoop 2.x


Start all daemons

Hadoop Single node Cluster


Check your daemons

Command: Jps

How to Install Hadoop Single node Cluster


Quick Support

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