Python Online Training
Get Python Online Training To Manage Data Even Better

Python language is open source and is one of the easiest to learn options for data processing and manipulation. It comes along with a powerful library option that has made this a successful option since last one decade in various fields such as signal processing, finance, and many others. We offer you with the certification course in Python from the basic level to the advanced level. Also along with the Python language, we also offer you training in other relevant topics such as Pydoop and Scikit.

  • We make sure that after taking this Python Online Training, you will be able to:
  • Understand the Python script in the best way,
  • Learn about the usage of elements and functions related to the language,
  • Get well skilled in both basic as well as an advanced level of Python,
  • Understand the concepts of File Operations,
  • Learn various critical programs of MapReduce,
  • Understand the concept of Python’s web scraping,
  • Implement Python skills in different places.

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Rs. 16000/-Enroll Now



Rs. 16000/- Enroll Now



Rs. 16000/- Enroll Now



Rs. 16000/- Enroll Now

The Need To Learn Python

Python is said to be favorite for the data scientists. It is easy to learn and also it is easy to use. You can use the program to debug other programs, and also to increase the productivity of the other programs and operate them even better. The program is free for use, and also it is highly effective and free for the commercial purposes and products.
At present, the program has been considered to one of the most demanded languages in case of data analytics and also for many professionals it has become a trend now to use the programming language Python for various other programs. It is easily accessible on some operating systems such as Windows, Mac, OS, Linux and many others.

We train up the candidates with theoretical modules as well as projects and practical sessions. This makes the candidates strong at their base and also confident for the aspect of the career.

Qualification Of The Candidate

When you are coming for the Python Online Training, you do not have to go for any test, or you do not need to provide any qualification certification. But the only thing that may be needed is that you should have a basic knowledge of programming along with some of the basic concepts such as flow control, variables, functions and other similar options. Also, if you are aware of object-oriented programming, it becomes beneficial for you.
Though there is no such hard and fast rule for any candidate to join the course, maximum of the times, programming experts approach for such course. Apart from such experts, other people who tend to go for such course are software professionals, ETL developers, testing professionals, project managers, analytics professionals and others. Also, beginners can go for the course who wishes to have a career ahead with programming or scripting language.
Python language is one of the most easily learned and easy to use options for data processing. With the online training, we offer the course not just for the beginners, but also for the professionals who are already in job life.

Learning objectives – In this module, you will learn about the: basic concepts of UNIX, LINUX, Java, HDFS, Big Data, Hadoop, Hadoop data loading techniques, Solving big data problems using Hadoop, MapReduce, Hadoop cluster and role of Hadoop cluster.

Topics: Introduction to UNIX, Introduction to LINUX, Introduction to Java, Introduction to HDFS, DWH Concepts, Pig & Hive, Map reduce.

Learning Objectives – In this module you will learn about Multiple Hadoop Server roles, Understanding Pseudo cluster, Installation of Hadoop, Understanding Map-Reduce, files configuration and parameters.

Hadoop Installation, Hadoop Configuration, Understanding pseudo-distributed mode, deploying multi-node cluster, Role of Hadoop server, Rack knowledge, Write and Read Anatomy, Data Processing.

Learning Objectives – In this module you will be Understanding Hadoop Cluster setup, concepts of managing and planning Hadoop cluster, Troubleshooting Hadoop cluster, Monitoring Hdoop cluster, Executing MapReduce Jobs.

Topics: Concepts of Hadoop Cluster, Scheduling jobs, Monitoring cluster, Cluster Size, Knowledge about Hardware and Software portions, Schedulers in Hadoop, Troubleshooting cluster, Schedulers Configuring and run Map Reduce.

Learning Objectives – This module will help you to understand Clustering basics, Clustering administration tasks like adding or deleting data nodes, Node recovery, Configuring in Hadoop, Backup in Hadoop, Recovery in Hadoop, Troubleshooting node failures and Upgrade Hadoop.

Topics: Maintaining Hadoop Backup, data nodes white list and blacklist in a cluster, quota’s setup, upgrading Hadoop cluster, DISTCP, Diagnostics, Recovery, Cluster Troubleshooting, Rack Configuration.

Learning Objectives – In this module our main focus is to understand Hadoop 2.0 New Features, HDFS, YARN, Hadoop 2.0 setup, MRv2, Secondary NameNode setup, NameNode check pointing.

Topics: Configuring Secondary NameNode, , Deploying Hadoop 2.0 in pseudo-distributed mode, Hadoop 2.0, YARN, MRv2, Hadoop 2.0 Cluster setupdeploying a multi-node Hadoop 2.0 cluster.

HQL and Hive with Analytics

Learning Objectives- After completing with the basics, In this module you will strengthen concepts about Hadoop security, Managing Hadoop security, HDFS High Availability, HDFS setup and Log Management and Quorum Journal Manager

Topics: Hadoop Platform Security, Configuring Kerberos, Auditing and Alerts, Configuring HDFS, Monitoring, Log Management and Service Monitoring.

Learning Objectives – This module will assist you in learning Oozie Workflow Scheduler, deploying HBase, Hive Administration, effectively load data, read and write from HBase.

Topics: No SQL, H base, Zookeeper, HBase Architecture, Sqoop, Flume, HBase setup, Oozie, Yarn and Hue.

Learning Objectives – In this module you will work on a real-world case and learn about implementing, planning, designing and deploying Hadoop cluster. You will also learn about Hadoop eco-system components.

Topics: Implementing, planning, designing and deploying Hadoop cluster, Hadoop ecosystem components, troubleshooting cluster problems, AWS cluster.

This module in the Big Data Hadoop Course helps the learners in understanding Hadoop 2.0 features like MRv2, YARN and HDFS Federation.

The topics covered are New Features of Hadoop 2.0, High Availability of NameNode.

This module helps the readers in understanding how different Hadoop ecosystem elements work together towards Hadoop implementation for solving Big Data issues.

Rs. 14,000 + Tax

per 2 weeks

35 Hours
Practical 40 Hours
15 Seats
Course Badge
Course Certificate

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