Dataflow and BigQuery for ETL on Google Cloud
Hardware : GCP
Google account
Open the console.
Click on activate cloud shell.
$ gcloud config list project #To List Projects
$ gcloud config set project my-demo-project-306417 #To Select Project
In the Cloud console, click Menu > IAM & Admin.
Confirm that the default compute Service Account is present and has the editor role assigned.
To check the project number, Go to Menu > Home > Dashboard
In the dashboard under the project info project number will be displayed.
In the console, copy the below code.
$ gsutil -m cp -R gs://spls/gsp290/dataflow-python-examples . # To copy the Dataflow Python Examples from Google Cloud’s professional services in GitHub
Export the name of your cloud project as an environment variable.
Select the project which has been exported. [Don’t change $PROJECT]
gcloud config set project $PROJECT
gsutil mb -c regional -l us-central1 gs://$PROJECT #To create new Bucket
gsutil cp gs://spls/gsp290/data_files/usa_names.csv gs://$PROJECT/data_files/ #To copy the files into the bucket which we created
bq mk lake #To make Big Query Lake
Go to the directory
cd dataflow-python-examples/
Install Virtual Environment
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 venv #Creating Virtual Environement
source venv/bin/activate #Activating Virtual Environment
pip install apache-beam[gcp]==2.24.0 #Installing Apache-beam
In the Cloud Shell window, Click on Open Editor
In the Workspace, the dataflow-python-examples folder will be copied. Go through each python programs and try to understand the code.
Here we’ll run the Dataflow pipeline in cloud. It will add the workers required, and shut them down when complete
python dataflow_python_examples/ –project=$PROJECT –region=us-central1 –runner=DataflowRunner –staging_location=gs://$PROJECT/test –temp_location gs://$PROJECT/test –input gs://$PROJECT/data_files/usa_names.csv –save_main_session
It will take some time to assign the workers and to finish the job assigned.
Open the console and click Menu > Dataflow > Jobs
In Jobs, Check the status. It will show Succeeded after completion. It will show running if the work is not fully assigned.
Big Query > SQL Workspace
It will show the usa_names table under the lake dataset.
Here we’ll run the Dataflow pipeline saved in file. It will add the workers which is required, and shut it down when complete.
python dataflow_python_examples/ –project=$PROJECT –region=us-central1 –runner=DataflowRunner –staging_location=gs://$PROJECT/test –temp_location gs://$PROJECT/test –input gs://$PROJECT/data_files/head_usa_names.csv –save_main_session
Cloud Shell Editor, open dataflow-python-examples > dataflow_python_examples >
In Line 83 replace
values = [x.decode(‘utf8’) for x in csv_row]
With $ values = [x for x in csv_row]
This code will populate the data in BigQuery.
Now again we’ll run the Dataflow pipeline saved in It will add the workers, and shut down when finished.
python dataflow_python_examples/ –project=$PROJECT –region=us-central1 –runner=DataflowRunner –staging_location=gs://$PROJECT/test –temp_location gs://$PROJECT/test –input gs://$PROJECT/data_files/head_usa_names.csv –save_main_session
Open Menu > Big Query > SQL Workspace
It will show the populated dataset in lake.
Dataflow > Jobs.
Click on the job which you have done.
It will show the Data Flow pipeline of the work.
Dataflow and BigQuery for ETL on Google Cloud