Creating Cloud SQL Instance using cloud shell

  • date 30th May, 2021 |
  • by Prwatech |

Create Cloud SQL instance with gcloud sql



GCP account

Open the Console.

Click on Activate Cloud Shell.

Accessing Cloud Shell:

Paste the below code.

$          export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud info –format=’value(config.project) ‘)

It will export our project ID into $PROJECT_ID.

$          echo $PROJECT_ID

It will print our project ID

Running gcloud Command:

Authentication and Authorization:

$          export BUCKET=${PROJECT_ID}-ml

It will export the bucket name into $BUCKET

$          echo $BUCKET

It will print the bucket name

$          gcloud sql instances create taxi –tier=db-n1-standard-1

It will create a sql instance with name taxi.

It will take a little bit time to create.

Accessing the Instance:

$          gcloud sql users set-password root –host % –instance <sql_instance_name> –password <password>

To set password for SQL instance

$          gcloud sql instances patch <instance-name> –authorized-networks

Press y to continue.

Managing the Instance:

Open Console.

Menu > SQL

Copy the IP address.

$          MYSQL=<IP_ADDRESS>

$          echo $MYSQL

$          mysql –host=$MYSQL –user=root –password

Enter the password which you created. The password will not be visible. Press enter.


Here you can type your mysql codes.

$          show databases

It will list the databases.

$          exit

It will be exit from the  mysql console .

press exit



This is all about Create Cloud SQL instance with gcloud sql



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